Sweet Jessica Rees.... this girl had won my heart a million times over with her faith and beautiful courage! I became a big fan of her's when she posted her fan page on Facebook about a month ago. My support for her by becoming her biggest fan was so that she would reach her 5,000 fan goal! Well she certainly had managed to reach that in record time and now has succeeded a fan base of 12,326 as we speak and growing! As some of you may or may not know, she is battling an inoperable brain tumor and thus created her Cause and a wonderful organization called "Joy Jars. org" has inspired so many of us! I read her postings daily......where each and every day she holds -dear in my heart- pockets full of sunshine! You brighten my day Jessica! And so I wish that you had a wonderful celebration with your dear friends last night to celebrate a belated birthday! Happy Birthday..... my sweet sunshine! XOXO Andie PS~ Thank You so much for the "Joy Jar!" I want to keep it sealed up tightly because it is all ready filled with so much Love!
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