My kitchen gets hot. It works out well in the winter when its 25-below outside. But in the summer, even with the a/c cranking... it's a real pain! So, I started using an ice pack for my cake pops last summer. (See it there? Tucked under the cake ball plate?)
Slip an ice pack underneath the plate or pan of cake balls, before you dip them in the candy. It helps keep the cake balls a little cooler, and a little less likely to fall off of the stick. You still want to work with just 5-10 cake balls at a time, but the ice pack help keep those few cooler as well.
An Ice Pack for your cake pops... today's Tip for Tuesday.
Click the Links Below to See:
Twin Boys Baby Shower Cake Pops
How to Make Cake Pops
Other Tip for Tuesday posts
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