But I also know far too many families who are affected by Autism.
*Note: I made these cookies last week... and then a new report came out with new numbers, even more startling, but I didn't have time to make new cookies. It's now actually 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 boys! Shocking.
So, today, I Light It Up Blue for them, and for all of you who every day have to try to stay one step ahead of your amazing, challenging, frustratingly wonderful child/children who land somewhere on the Autism Spectrum.
Today is World Autism Awareness Day.
If you want more information about today's Light It Up Blue campaign, you can head to LightItUpBlue.org. (It makes me a little teary looking at the pictures of all of the amazing places that support the cause.)
You can also visit AutismSpeaks.org for more information about signs of Autism and other helpful stuff.
*Cookie note: These cookies were made with my trial of egg-free cookie icing, which is why they're a little less than perfect.
And don't forget, if you shop at Amazon.com through my link
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