Medical Theme Graduation Cake
On Wednesday, I got a phone call from one of my good friend's boss ( and owner of the company that I used to work for 7 months ago)asking for two cakes for today. I was not only shock for her order because this means a lot to me, but also wondering if I had enough time to do what she was asking for. After hesitating for one second I said yes, and started to think what I was going to do. This particular cake was for her daughter's in law who just graduated from medical school. I have to be honest and tell you that I shouldn't take credit for this cake idea. This is a version of a cake that Melody Brandon from My Sweet and Saucy made.(See link to her site under My Favorite Blogs) Melody is a very talented pastry chef and she is in the process of opening her own dessert studio. If you have time check her website and if you live close to where she is opening her studio do me a favor and go and buy and eat some desserts for me. Thank you.
Decorations are made with gumpaste. I made them on Wednesday night.
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