Hi ladies, I hope you all are doing fine. I bet you are cooking already! My thanksgiving dinner will be very quite, my husband will be working, so it will be just Cami and me, I am not making nothing fancy, roasted turkey breast, mash potatoes,gravy and salad. So, please post some pictures of your delicious meals. I hope you have a great time with your family. Here I will leave you with some cookie pictures from a few orders that I had to do for tomorrow and a few goodies that I made for some of my love ones.

I don't know you, but I never seen leaves like these, I just love red!

Pumpkins of course...

I made pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting for Camilla's teachers and I also made chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting. These cute yellow boxes I got them at Michael's for a $1.

Check out these adorable cupcake toppers.

Packing some cookies.

A box of goodies for one of my good friends, who comes to babysit Cami when I need to get some fresh air .

At last...here is Cami sleeping in our living room, she has been with a cold and ear infection for the past 4 days. Lucas is always cold, so I got a blanket for him too, he loves to be next to Cami .

I hope you enjoy the pics. Thank you for all your comments, I enjoy every single one of them.
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